About SSCA

What is SSCA?
The Seven Seas Cruising Association is the oldest and largest worldwide organization supporting the liveaboard cruising lifestyle. Founded in 1952 by six liveaboard couples in California and now headquartered in Florida, today’s SSCA remains true to the traditions of its original members: sharing cruising information, fostering camaraderie, and leaving a clean wake.
What are the Seven Seas?
The old Clipper Ship tea route from China to England was the longest trade route under sail, and included the South China Sea, the Celebes Sea, the Timor Sea, the Banda Sea, the Flores Sea, the Java Sea, and the Sulu Sea.
What is an SSCA Gam?
In days of olde, when whaling ships encountered one another in calm seas, they would heave to and the crew would line up at the railing to shout news across to one another. This was called a gam. An SSCA Gam is a get-together of members, with the emphasis on camaraderie and sharing of cruising information.
What is the SSCA Clean Wake?
To leave a clean wake is to show respect for others and for our environment so that those who follow in our wake will be warmly welcomed. It is our most cherished tradition.
What are the benefits of SSCA membership?
SSCA members receive the monthly 45-page Commodores’ Bulletin, containing reports of latest cruising information as well as announcements of SSCA Gams and regional activities. The indexed, searchable, archived Bulletins can also be accessed online. The SSCA website, www.ssca.org, contains many additional features for cruisers, such as a member tracking map, a Marine Equipment Survey by members, worldwide Port Guides updatable by members, an extensive list of SSCA Cruising Stations who welcome visiting members, and a list of special offers and discounts available to members-only.
Who can become a member of SSCA?
Anyone with an interest in cruising is welcome to join SSCA. Whether contemplating a sabbatical cruise or retirement afloat, outfitting your boat for a voyage, or already living the dream, all are warmly welcomed to join our family of cruising members.
How do I join SSCA?
To join online, click on “Join Today” from the Home Page navigation bar. Or write to membership@ssca.org to have the downloadable application form emailed to you. For more information, call SSCA Home Base in Fort Lauderdale, FL at 954-771-5660.

Seven Traditions of the SSCA